Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC

I own a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC that I like a lot but heard my friends system with the Bricasti M1 and I am strongly thinking of changing my DAC and would love your feedback from other members that have heard either or both. I know they are both great but really thinking of changing my Dac from PS Audio Direct Stream to the Bricasti M1 DAC. I use a HP Desk top computer as source with Jplay and JRiver Media 19 and the outstanding Tellurium Q BLACK DIAMOND Reference USB Cable. The rest of my system is below. I listen to Classic Rock, jazz, vocal, some modern music and the usual audiophile stuff.


My system for reference.

Ascendo C-8 Renaissance Speakers (Germany) Monitor
Purist Audio Design Corvus Praesto Revision 2.5m Bi-Wire Speaker cable
Cardas Clear Interconnect 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Darwin TRUTH Pure Silver Reference 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Darwin TRUTH Pure Silver Reference 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Audio Research REFERENCE 1 w/Rhodium IEC/NOS Tubes Tube preamp
Decware ZSTAGE External Triode Output StageTelefunken ECC801S
PS Audio Direct Stream DSD DAC w/ Bridge DA converter
Tellurium Q BLACK DIAMOND Reference USB Cable
PS Audio PerfectWave PowerBase Vibration Cancelation/AC Condtioner
Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono's 140 Watts Tung-Sol KT120's amps
PS Audio PowerPlant Premier AC Regenerator
BMI Shark Pure Jeweler Grade Platinum AC Power Cable
Sablon Audio Petite Corona 2.0M AC Power Cable
Mad Scientist PC-NEO with Power Purifier AC Power Cable
JPS Labs The Power AC+ 2M AC Power Cable
Synergistic Research Labs Tesla Series SE T1 AC Power Cable
Synergistic Research Labs Tesla Series T1 AC Power Cable
PS Audio Noise Harvester (5) Converts noise to light
OYAIDE RI Beryllium Power Outlets (2)
Hubbell Outlet 5362/5262 Deep Cryo Process
Blue Circle Audio The Yalu Balula Industrial Surge/Spike Protection
JPLAY v5.2 hi-end audio player turns PC into a digital transport.
JRiver Media Center 19 Music Software
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
I tried several usb cables. Chord silver plus, audioquest diamond and king rex y art & Upower powersupply. Chord is nice. Better than a standard usb cable. Audioquest is very good but in my system a bit to analytical/clinical. You get a lot of details but too much for me. The king rex is a usb cable that makes a match made in heaven for me. It has plenty detail but also a strong fundament and u believable depth and width. Yes, it is expansive but cheaper than the audioquest. Also lesser recordings sound much better. With the audioquest they sound shrill but just right with the king rex. I am very happy I tried these cables before buying. The king rex stays!

I wanted to get back to you on your question about the after market Linear Power Supply I bought for my Auralic Aries Extreme w/ duel femto clocks that I use to feed my Bricasti M1 DAC.

The SBooster BOTW P&P ECO Linear Power Supply with the Optional SBooster Ultra Filer is an Amazing ad to my Auralic Aries Extreme Transport. Man it took probably close to 400 hours or so for it to break in so that was a pain in the neck and I wasn't sure what was up for a while but it settled down and opened up finally and was well worth the wait. Highly Recommended...
Transport - Guys I keep hearing over and over how a good dedicated disc spinner transport is better than the Network based transports. Can anyone recommend a really good CD transport for my Bricasti that is not crazy money? Would love to know what you guys think and are using? Thanks
I run the PS Audio PerfectWave Transport into my Bricasti M1 DAC and find the combination to easily outperform my PC which has been optimized as a dedicated server feeding the M1 via USB. I recommend using the AES/EBU digital connection between the transport and DAC. The PWT also allows you to play back high resolution PCM files which have been recorded to DVD-R media (up to 24/192), and again the sonic quality is a definite step up from my PC server. Highly recommended and you can usually pick them up at a very good discounted price from dealers who purchased them in a package deal with the DS DAC.
I should also mention that several dealers have compared the PWT to other much more expensive competition and the PWT was found to play in the same league. It's a great value and at its best when combined with a high end DAC like the Bricasti.