Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Aussie user review.
You already know through your own personal past experience with the 225 and the rave reviews that continue to come in world wide that the Job is a no brainer. Congratulations on your worth while investment!
Now 6moons speaks highly of the integrated dac and comparing it to the Metrum Hex my Job INTegrated is on it's way! 
What I don't get is, Srajean said when fed a digital signal, the INTegrated is just as good as a Metrum Hex, passive pre, and the 225. In some ways, better. 
I have the Hex, Tortuga LDR passive and the 225.
Now, I'm no scientist or engineer, but common sense tells me you can't beat the laws of physics. How can a 3 in 1 which shares the same power supply for everything, be better than the 3 pieces mentioned? Ok, shorter signal paths and other benefits, etc. 
It just doesn't make sense.
Actually hoping Srajean chimes in here, which he has done in the past.