Conflicting Mcintosh info

Hi All. I am considering purchasing the recently discontinued C50 preammp. There are two authorized dealers in my area. One has a new one in factory sealed box, the other his floor display that has never left the store  and has all packing materials. The dealer with the display assures me the Mcintosh 3 year warranty is valid. The dealer with the new in box insisits I forfeit the warranty for demo units even though I am within the dealers designated territory and would be purchasing in person. Which dealer is correct? Thanks for any input!

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The Warranty is good as long as you are the 1st owner (original buyer) of the unit. The dealer with the display model is correct, as long as it was not a return from another customer.


Matt M  

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate it. I went ahead and purchased the display. I plan on mating it with the MC302