When you listen to a set you listen to all parts. All parts togheter inluding the acoustics is what you hear.
The focus is on these parts togheter. Togheter they build the stage and sound you hear.
In the set togheter with the 30.7 it was a very limited endresult.
You need to understand the properties of each part in a set when you want to understand the sound and image you hear.
When I bought the B&W 802N in 1999 I noticed that the speaker was too low in height. In 2 weeks I understood the properties and limitations.
What I did was buying an 8cm thick granite plate in the shape of the speaker. I even put Nautilus 802 and the stripe of the log on the front side. I removed the balls and used dempers.
Now I got a better presentation of the heights. Instruments and voices became more apparent and I created more space around voices and instruments. The low freq. became more tight and I had more layers.
Audio is all about understanding limitations and properties. When you are aware of them you can create much better results.
At the time I played with the 802N and 800S I had many anti-B&W people at my house. Often they said I never auditioned B&W speakers this good.
You cannot solve all limitations. Stage depth is a part where other brands do a better job compared to B&W. I never understood why B&W is not able to bring this to a higher level.
When the stage depth and width of the 800D1 would be great I would have bought them. We don't want to be negative on a brand. We want to be realistic as possible for our clients.
The new D3 series did not convince sofar. But we will listen them again. I still can't find a lot of auditions of the D3 series.
The German magazines don't say anything because they get money for the reviews. This is also a part I hate in audio. I know how it works and what money does.
Never trust a review, just trust your own ears!!