Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.

I have considered trying a tube integrated amp. The Prima Luna Prologue Premium has received numerous positive testimonials regarding its sound quality and is considered a bargain at $2399.  Ayon’s new "Scorpian" tube integrated  is more expensive at $4200,  supposedly offers excellent sound quality, but has not gathered many press reviews. .

 Is  anyone familiar with these products??  Are they  reliable over the long haul?? and if so, can either amp  effectively drive any speaker load, including Golden Ear Technology model 7 or the larger model 5.  Or have any problems driving Magneplanar .7 speaker, or any of the Martin Logan speakers.  Thank you  



I think the Scorpio is very similar to the Spirit 1 integrated amp, so you might be able to find some reviews on it. There’s one on Positive Feedback. The Scorpio is listed as 45wpc pentode, 30wpc triode, whereas the Spirit 1 was 50wpc and 30wpc, respectively. Other than that I think they are identical. I’ve heard a friend’s Spirit 1 a lot and it’s a nice amp. He uses it in his home office driving Silverline SR17 Supreme (90.5db) monitor speakers and it does just fine. He runs it in triode mode.


I don’t have any listening experience with the speakers you listed so I can’t comment definitively. The Spirit is pretty beefy (64lbs) and when it was for sale in the shop here I heard it play some difficult to drive speakers louder than I would have guessed, but I think it’s going to come down to how loud you want to play your system and the size of your room.


Something that you might consider, however, is that there’s an Ayon Triton 1 listed on Audiogon now for just under $5k. That’s the integrated I have and I love it. It’s a beast. If you have room for it, and it’s within budget, I’d give it some consideration.


As for reliability, my friend has had his Spirit 1 for about three years I guess, and I’ve had my Triton for about the same amount of time, and neither of us have had any problems with them at all.

Hope this helped at least a little.



I can not compare the two either .

But I do own the Dialogue Premium Integrated and believe it to be a very good and reliable piece . I previously owned a Primaluna Prologue II integrated for ten years . It performed flawlessly the whole time . My new Dialogue Premium appears to be as reliable and sounds like the Prologue on steroids ! It just has more of everything , sound wise and feature wise as well .

One thing that I look at , brand wise , to help me make a decision is to take a look at how many of each brand are for sale .

Good luck .

Thank you both for the responses; they were very helpful.  One correction I need to make.  The Prima Luna integrated is the Prologue Premium issued in 2011, not the Dialogue Series.  It received very good reviews, and supposedly, the amp is that John Atkinson at Stereophile unearthed to evaluate the YG Carmel 2 which is $24,000 plus.for this month's issue  

 Hard to believe that  the other amplifiers he used did not sound as good as Prima Luna.   However, that does not necessarily prove anything outstanding about the Prima Luna, and surely and embarrassingly  more about the compatibility deficiencies of this outrageously  expensive speaker. Taking into account  the pitfalls of finding the right combinations of electronics, speaker cables,  interconnects,  DAC, and dealing with the anomalies of room acoustics, should not a manufacturer design a speaker to find compatibility with most audiophile grade electronics 

This trial and error approach will always remain a mystery to me about high-end products and systems. I should have added a caveat to this thread about 70 lbs amps or integrated amp. I thought I had threw off that option, when I drop an Aragon 4004  (65lbs unboxed) on my foot about 10 years ago which put me on crutches for a while.   Again,  thanks for the advice.