B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
First of all Classe can create a deep and wide stage. But brands like Pass Labs are able to create more stage depth and width.

The crossovers of the 801N and 801D were not that great. There are different brands in that price range who create more stage depth and width.

I am still curious about the thoughts of the new 800D3 series. 

What I said earlier, the individual focus was not that convincing. They use extreme toe-in. Here is a picture of a demo with  Ken Ishiwata. When you use so much toe-in, all depth is gone. 

  Classe it not bad, in our world it lacks quality as well. B&W is owner of Classe. On political choices it is used. This I can understand. It is still by far not the best student of the class. So does it add something in the world of audio? We don’t think so.
Bo, you stated this on 11-30.   Then you post the above comment.  Which is it?  If they lack quality, there wouldn't be a deep and wide stage.

I heard the 802 D3 speakers last week at the dealer here in town.  They sounded great!

I heard the 802 D3 speakers last week at the dealer here in town. They sounded great!

B&W is very tough on dealers. They have sales quotas to meet or they could lose the brand. It is in the dealers interest to play music that sounds great on the speakers. Now I don’t know you, and whether you were casually listening to them, how many times you heard them. or have an actual interest to buy them.
I would put a dozen songs that stir your music soul on a cd or usb stick. Old music, newer music, pure instrumentals, female voices, male voices. Mix it up. Go listen again.  

If you can tell us the dealer name they may have a pic of their room setup on a website that we can share with the others here.

Happy listening