First of all Classe can create a deep and wide stage. But brands like Pass Labs are able to create more stage depth and width.
The crossovers of the 801N and 801D were not that great. There are different brands in that price range who create more stage depth and width.
I am still curious about the thoughts of the new 800D3 series.
What I said earlier, the individual focus was not that convincing. They use extreme toe-in. Here is a picture of a demo with Ken Ishiwata. When you use so much toe-in, all depth is gone.
The crossovers of the 801N and 801D were not that great. There are different brands in that price range who create more stage depth and width.
I am still curious about the thoughts of the new 800D3 series.
What I said earlier, the individual focus was not that convincing. They use extreme toe-in. Here is a picture of a demo with Ken Ishiwata. When you use so much toe-in, all depth is gone.