Bass driven floorstanders?

I am in search of floorstanders that can do bass without sub... Beside totem sttaf, do you see anything else between 1k and $2k?  I have had vandersteen 2ce, great, but they happened to be too large for the room.  Thx for suggestions!
PSB has deep bass extension. Synchrony or Imagine models $1500 to 2000 used.
Similar in size to to Totem.
Slim towers will get you in the 30's - 40's . Need a 12" or 15" driver if you want to go deeper. In that price range Look at Cerwin Vega .
Take a look at the Golden Ear Triton series.  Good bang for the buck and the model 3 (at the top end of your price range) has a built-in subwoofer. 

chrisr, I have something for you to consider. Personally I beleive there is no way you're going to beat (price and quality aka value wise) this. And to maplegrovemusic point, they are powered with a 200 watt amp. They are rated to go to 32Hz. I have one used and one BRAND NEW (as in unopened manufacturers carton) pair of JBL S412P speakers. I'm selling them for $400 used, $700 new, $1000 both pairs. And to djohnson54 point, he/she is correct. I have a pair of T1s. The issue there is simply a matter of price. For what I have at the price I'm selling them for they are a better value than the T3s. You can contact me off board at if interested. Thanks. Hal