Review: Mapleshade Heavyfeat/Heavyhats Tweak

Category: Accessories

Classical and jazz are my mainstay. David Stock, George Crumb, Shostakovich and Roger Sessions are a few of my reference works I use for comparison. Everything matters to me i.e...soundstaging, tone, dynamics, air, low level detail, extension, control, smoothness and lack of glare or distortions. The worst thing to have would be midrange glare or harshness in the upper octaves, next would be lack of soundstaging and focus followed by inaccurate tonal balance. The Mapleshade brass footers and weights are simply amazing and can yield improvements on the level of component and cable changes. They let you extract every ounce of capability your system is hiding...and you can adjust your results depending on how and where you place them and how much weight you use on top! My system went from muddy, rolled off and ill-defined to sharply focused, crystaline clear and full of dynamic power from the top octaves on down to below 20hz. It becomes quite apparent that what may seem to be a component/cable problem can in fact be a vibration control problem. FYI. use wood under your components for best results (maple or butcher block). The Mapleshade website has loads of free tweaks and in depth detail of how thier products work plus a 30 day gaurantee!!

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Mapleshade Triplepoint brass footers
Mapleshade Heavyhats brass weights

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This is not a review, more like an advertisement. There is no mention of how you used the product nor any measurements to back up your claims. And lest someone jump on me about using my ears to do the measuring, how on Earth does the author seriously make the claim about sub-20Hz performance unless he measured this performance before and after application of the MapleShade products?

This was written:
"Everything matters to me i.e...soundstaging, tone, dynamics, air, low level detail, extension, control, smoothness and lack of glare or distortions. "

And then there is NO mention of how the products improved ANY of these criteria.

This was also written:
"...and you can adjust your results depending on how and where you place them and how much weight you use on top!"

Okay, what, exactly, did you adjust and how did it affect the sound? Give us the benefit of your observations about placement.

You don't even mention the cost of the item(s). Isn't that an important parameter?

RW, you are correct about having given very little detail. I am extremely excited and I have very lttle patience these days regarding exposition on topics audio. That being said, let me put it this krell 400xi now produces sound that surpasses my previous ARC Ref3/Krell Evo 402 combo. Soundstage is beyond is lifelike in dimension. Violins are woody, airy, smooth, defined and tonaly sweet! Highs are extended and full of texture with more transparency than my previous benchmark(one of many I've owned). Bass is subterrranean and defined while the mids are open, rich, bloomy yet seductively behaved just enough to not blurr the line between reality and over exaggeration. Overall, presence, palpability, soundtsage heigth and width and dynamic contrasts are vastly improved. Textures are now evident to a great degree, not unlike what you hear in the first 5 rows of the BSO or the Kimmel Center. For more detail then you can handle feel free to call me at 610-721 1304. The 20hz comment was overzealousness regarding my reduced use of a pair of subs which I use sparringly to augment the lowest fundamentals...I have turned them way back which says alot!!
Dave b,
Which of the two sizes of the Heavyhats did you use for your amp? Also, how many and what location for best sound?