Review: Synergistic Research PowerCell 10 and the SE version AC filter

Category: Accessories

Review of the new Synergistic PowerCell 10 and SE

I was very much interested in the Synergistic PowerCell after enjoying much success with the Tesla Cables. For many months I have waited to demo one of these babies.

Synergistic Cables I own

1.Apex and Precision Reference Interconnects
2.Apex Speaker Cables
3.Hologram A & D,Precision Reference and T2 Power Cables

Equipment I own

Pass Labs X350.5 Amp
Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp
Cary 306 SACD player.
Eggleston Works Andra 2 speakers
JL Fathom 113 Subwoofer

My concern was this.

I have 3 dedicated circuits.
*One circuit for all my Video and is plugged into a Hydra 8.
*One circuit for my CD player and Preamp.
*One Circuit for my Amplifier.

How can using just one wall outlet plugged into the SR PowerCell be better than using the present 3 dedicated circuits?

My past experience with any conditioner says it can’t!
My new dealer however, said it will outperform the dedicated circuits. He then asked if I would like to demo a unit.
I replied, well, yes sir I have been trying to demo one of these for months!

A couple of days later I received the Demo PowerCell standard 10 with a T3 UHC power cable.
I’ve got to say, I had some pretty big expectations for this Conditioner based on the Dealer statements and the performance of the Synergistic cables.

But when I turned everything on for the first time I was really disappointed. Best I can describe it was, the sound was very closed in, with a totally flat soundstage.

I thought, Wow, after saving up so much money to buy one of these and now I was convinced that this unit was not an improvement over my 3 dedicated circuits.

I know new things need time to break in, but this one was a demo! It should have sounded at full potential right away.
My dealer also confirmed that it had many hours on it. He agreed that it should have sounded very good right out of the box.
I thought, well, whoopee! I can save my money; this just is not very good.

The next day I did not even play my system. The following day, however, when I did turn it on, my system sounded entirely different.
The soundstage widened and deepened and it was now much more musical.
I think, even though it was used demo unit, it traveled across county to get to me and was very cold when I got it. It seems these units need some settlin’ time.
Perhaps it only would have taken 24 hours to resettle but like I stated, I didn’t try it the next day.
By the way, later on when I also tried the Power Outlet Teslaplex it also took a day to sound good.

At this point, the PowerCell 10 was making some pretty good tunes, so I went ahead and ordered a PowerCell 10 SE. Note: I also sold the Hydra 8.

The new unit arrives.

Well I received my PowerCell 10 SE and a new duplex Teslaplex outlet.
The new PowerCell straight out of the box did not have the extreme closed in flatness that the demo had.
Perhaps the difference can be attributed to the different power cords. The SE comes with a Precision Reference power cord, while the Standard comes with a UHC T3. I have read elsewhere that the UHC T3 cords take a very long time to break in.

I plugged everything I had into it and left it on for a couple of days. I think the best way to break it in is to put a heavy load on it.

Well, now how did it sound?

Well the sound quality is now the best I have ever heard. Bass quality is deep and defined, treble sparkles and the soundstage is all through the room.
The dynamics are now such that the music jumps at you.
When I play Rock music such as the new AC/DC CD some of the tracks start with guitar just in left channel or just in the right. With this new PowerCell there is nothing coming out of the other side, I mean nothing, until it is supposed to. Quiet as quiet can be.
Then when the song gets going, the music explodes out of the speakers. It sounds really quite impressive!
I have noticed that I am getting more relative volume than I did. I have had to turn down the volume control from where my Preamp normally was set.

Watching Video through my Sony 60” now has deeper colors and better contrast. The picture just looks more involving. I was not expecting this much improvement with the Video.

I plugged my whole system into this PowerCell. Everything that used to be plugged into 3 dedicated outlets was now all plugged into the PowerCell using only one of the dedicated outlets.
Amazing, I would have never believed it. No choked sound, no loss of dynamics. To the contrary, as I stated above the dynamics were even better!

Comparisons of the two units.

The SE with the Precision Reference power cord compared to the PowerCell 10 Standard with the T3 UHC cord?

The Standard unit had a warmer sound; the SE version had more presence and the center image was very well defined.
With my equipment, I definitely preferred the SE.

Any Negatives? A couple… minor

First, I must say the feet on the bottom of the Powercell should be taller so that any Mini coupler plugged in the unit clears the bottom. Otherwise, you have to waste half of an outlet to plug a mini coupler into the top half of the outlet and it will overlap and cover the lower outlet. I ended up putting Myrtle blocks under the feet to raise the PowerCell up. Then, I was able to place a mini coupler in the bottom of an outlet and still use the top half.
Later on, I replaced the blocks with sharp cone feet. Highly recommended.

Second, the outlets take quite a push to plug the plugs in. This is a good thing perhaps for a tight grip, but plugging the plugs into the back of the unit had the unit moving around on the stand like crazy. So, maybe have another person (with the white gloves on) in the front holding the PowerCell while you plug your stuff in the back.

Third, I made a mistake and placed the 32 Amp power cord connector plug in last. This made it impossible to see properly to connect it. I think I got it connected; I pushed it in, but not sure if it locked. Should I hear a click like a XLR does?


Well, I highly recommend the Powercell 10 SE, it will make all your hard earned prized equipment perform to its best, you will be impressed!
The price is steep, but nothing should wear out and it can handle everything I plugged into it. Including with my Audio system, my entire home theater system.

Now, what to do with those extra dedicated circuits?

Associated gear
Synergistic Cables I own

1.Apex and Precision Reference Interconnects
2.Apex Speaker Cables
3.Hologram A & D,Precision Reference and T2 Power Cables

Equipment I own

Pass Labs X350.5 Amp
Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp
Cary 306 SACD player.
Eggleston Works Andra 2 speakers
JL Fathom 113 Subwoofer

Similar products
Many other Power Conditioners
Laza, I have not tried any T3s but on my preamp, an H-Cat, I preferred the T2 to the Precision AC.

There is a reason for the Precision AC being used on the PowerCell 10SE. It sounds better, I am told.
I just got the power cell 10se. And it's amazing. My 300bs have always been week on bass and snap. But with the powercell, the amps have far better control, with the benefits of the 300Bs. Huge sound stage, warmer and smoother highs with more resolution across the spectrum. The vocals are jaw dropping. Every instrument delivers pinpointing imaging with distinct spaces between each. The bass and speed is like having top notch solid state amp.
I can honestly say the benefits are better than the upgrades of 16 vintage tubes (amp and preamp) in my system.

If you can afford it its worth every penny and more!!!
My experience auditioning a PowerCell 10 (non-SE, Mark II ?) was a revelation. This power conditioner is a game changer and a quantum leap forward in feeding clean (and, incidentally, balanced AC) power to components.

Like some others, my experience was that even a broken in unit can take a day to settle in. And the tonality and sound-stage of your system will be dramatically changed, but with adjustments these changes are for the better.

At first the sound can be very confusing, I thought it was adding its own synthetic signature. Continued listening revealed this was just my components performing better.

Give it a little while and you'll find incredible silence, extended dynamics and bass, stunning imaging, vast sound stage and greater definition. I also experienced vast improvement in mid-range and treble sweetness, musical flow, detail of inner voice, secondary musical artifacts and detail WITHOUT any added harshness or glare.

The reverb tails are the longest and quietest I've heard IMS and the conditioner seems to contribute an uncanny musical FLOW and CONTINUITY, probably due to lower noise floor.

Removing the PowerCell (and returning to more familiar conditioners) sucked this newly found life, vividness, mid-range clarity, bass definition, depth and space from my system. Other line conditioner now sounded tonally wrong, closed-in . . . one sounded like a blanket dropped over the clarity, excitement and musicality of the PowerCell.

As 'due diligence' before purchasing (a pair of Power Cell 4 SE's actually) I will audition some others (Shunyata, Audience, etc). Even with my limited experience with line conditioners (Bybee mostly), this GAME CHANGING technology that's a magnitude beyond competitors, in my humble opinion.

Dave Radlauer,
Recording engineer, broadcaster and second-generation audiophile

Amp: Solid State Class A 140w (by Jeff Wells)
Pre: Allnic L-300 triode
DAC: Modified Music Hall (by Jeff Wells)
CD/SACD: Denon DCD-100 Anniversary
Speakers: Triangle Antal Anniversary
Cabling: misc incl. Nordost, JPS, Tel-wire, Wells audio AC
Dradjazz, I'm confused by your post. The current SR Powercell is the 10 SE MkIII and I don't see any evidence of a non-SE Powercell 10. I have not heard the MkIII, but the MkII was striking.
I'm just going by what the dealer told me, and now not sure exactly which model I had. I was told it was not the latest/greatest . . . and it lacked the tuning bullets. Still, the results were outstanding!