Audio Horizons Platinum Reference Fuse

Category: Accessories

The audition of these fuses has been a positive discovery in the magnitude of acoustically treating my sound room. My fuse journey began with the original gold Hi-Fi Tuning fuse, then to their Supreme fuse, then to the Synergistics Research SR20, and now to the Audio Horizons Platinum Reference “More than a fuse”. Each change in fuses resulted in an upgrade, at least I thought. It turns out that the installation of the AH fuse has exposed the weakness of the SR20. By comparison it is now too bright in my system; not the “lit from within” nature that the QOL Signal Completion Stage gives but a slight projection of the highest frequencies in front of the speakers, separate from the other frequencies and not natural. The AH fuse is balanced and neutral while offering the best micro and macro dynamics of all of the fuses I’ve tried. I have a PS Audio P10 power regenerator with reference level power conditioners plugged into it for my sources and preamp so I know that my components are getting quality AC power. The significant impact of the AH fuses suggests that the bottleneck in my system has been the fuses not allowing all of the AC power to get to the transformers!!
I had forgotten that my Quad 988 speakers had the gold Hi-Fi Tuning fuses installed. Replacement with the AH model has made them more dynamic and immediate without throwing the soundstage forward. My foot is now tapping uncontrollably. Then I replaced the gold model in my subwoofer that supports the Quads below 63 hz. Incredible difference in impact and articulation.
It was interesting to discover that the AH fuse was not a sonic fit in the PerfectWave DAC or K&K phonostage. The Hi-Fi Supreme allowed the harmonics to come through whereas the AH fuse cleaned it too much which robbed the emotional involvement from me.
I conclude that Joseph has evolved from a Designer who pays attention to the details in his components to one like Lloyd Walker who designs sound enhancing add-on products. I recommend the AH fuse without hesitation for pre and power amps, the QOL Signal Completion Stage, subwoofers and electrostatic speakers. In my system the Hi-Fi Tuning Supreme fuse is better for my DAC and phono preamp which leads me to believe that a good tweak is not universally good for all applications. With a money-back guarantee we can all audition these for ourselves.
I MEANT, "many posters WITH outstanding systems have had great success…" Duh...
GbMcleod, this is the blurb from Audiogon ad for the new improved Audio Magic Fuse. I have the Super Fuse in my Woo Audio WA6 SET headphone amp. My system is open, detailed and dynamic sounding with outstanding bass performance.

"The Audio Magic Super Fuse is the quietest fuse on the market today, but we just made it quieter with our new inner double core. This fuse still has liquid anti vibration control with our emi and rf suppression, as well as a second core with a stronger emi and rf component, we then coat the glass with a proprietary coating that eliminates inner static discharge as well as 100% blocks noise from getting into the fuse. Last but not least we apply our nano streaming process which makes the end caps and element become much better conductors. This fuse will behave like a normal fuse and is very safe to use."
I've tried several after-market fuses, but when I find one that piques my interest, I usually obtain it first, rather than try something else that someone else likes or knows about. I'm sure the Audio Magic is great, and I may try it - after the Platinum Reference has gone thru its paces.
Bazza hasn't mentioned how long a period it was before he felt the fuses were completely optimally functioning, so I'll have to do that myself first.
So…I've had the Audio Horizons for 7 weeks now, and the results have been very good. BUT…
I found the Audio Horizons to be a great fuse, but the only place I installed it was in my PS Audio Power Plant, which powers my phono stage and the integrated amp that's in there right now.
I did think the Audio Horizons was a great fuse even without being compared to other fuses.
But, just for the heck of it, I put back in the AMR fuse, which, frankly, I'd never been high on. In the Power Plant, at least, it was better than the Synergistic fuse that had been in there, but I wasn't knocked out by it (the AMR).
I played several albums, one a Speaker Corners Mercury Living Presence album reissue (Paul Paray), the new Beatles mono reissue of the White Album, and an old Barbra Streisand ("People") album from 1962.
After adjusting the VTF on my recent Clearaudio Concerto this morning, I played the Streisand album, and found, on one cut in particular, "Love is a Bore," that the frenetic, over-the-top manic style of this cut, was rather sup rising. The AMR reproduced the drive (similar to the West Side Story soundtrack lp) and percussive punch of the cut, which I hadn't played in years. So, I listened to the next cut, "Don't like Good byes." The opening guitar had a woody resonance to it, and very good immediacy, as well as, in both songs, Streisand's clear talent for interpreting and acting out in her songs (think of "Don't Rain on My Parade.")
Well, I thought, lets put in the Audio Horizons. But first, a clarification: the AMR had a WA Quantum fuse on it, the Audio Horizons did not. So, I replayed the same two cuts (intending to replay the AMR again afterwards, because I'm like that. Test. Retest. Re-retest.) and found that the Audio Horizons did not reproduce the energy of the AMR-equipped system. The high were the same, but the "aliveness" of the soundstage was not, compared to the AMR. And the opening guitar on "Don't Like Goodbyes" was flatter, with less "presence." Could this be upper midrange glare. I guess it could've been, but the glare was actually on the Audio Horizons fuse, not on the AMR.
Well, this left me non-plussed, given I'd spent $137 on the Audio Horizons and had been using it for 7 weeks. So, I thought, wait: it's not a fair comparison with the WA Quantum fuse on the Audio Horizons, but at this point, the AMR was more emotionally involving, even when I was reading a magazine. One of my tests is to read a magazine while listening (when testing something out). If I can read and not be pulled back to the music, then, whatever else the virtues of the component under test, it is not emotionally involving enough to pull me away from reading). The AMR had passed the test.
So, pulled a WA Quantum fuse off an SR fuse, stuck it on, put it in, and lowered the tonearm to the cut.
Nope. The Audio Horizons sounded better, but the bongo in "Love is a Bore" had none of the jungle rhythm that is so reminiscent of 50s and 60s movies (or Rita Hayworth's dance in "Lady from Trinidad). It was good, but the bongo was lighter in weight, and it sounded as though the player was not feeling very energetic. Without the comparison, it would've been fine, but having heard the AMR? No. Same with "Don't Like Goodbyes." Guitar player must've been playing the bongos here: he wasn't strumming with his usual (AMR-equipped) verve.
So, back in goes the AMR. Down goes the tonearm. Holding my breath here.
BAM! The song comes in at a locomotive pace. Bongo player took Geritol between the fuse changes. The guitar was back, strumming me softly with his song (yeah, I know it's "killing," thank you very much).
The Beatles album was good with both fuses, but it does not depend on manic energy in the way that Streisand's song did.
The Audio Horizons seems less "punchy" in the lower mids than the AMR, and seems to handle R&B rhythms less well, but otherwise, is very clean and clear.
No recommendations here. Just my observations. When I got the Audio Horizons, I was pleased with it, but what is most interesting is that eventually, I had put the AMR into the PS Audio and forgot I did it. I'll listen some more, since it's an easy change, but as an evolving story, this is where it's at now.