Newbie looking for system suggestions

Category: Amplifiers

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but I just got a Xmas bonus, and am looking to spend it on a hi-fi 2.1 channel system -- starting from scratch!!! If you had around $6-8 thousand to spend, how would you do it? It will be for a 20x 24 room, carpeted, with cathedral ceilings (15 ft high). I mostly listen to vocal jazz, blues, rock, but often get a classical hair and have some very good orchestra + piano recordings.

Again, sorry such a basic question -- I have been doing a lot of reading, but I am still completely overwhelmed and looking for some suggestions to audition!!

I would think about building around:

ARC LS-7 (tube linestage preamb, used about 700; need a phono amp if you want to go vinyl)
MacCormack DNA 0.5 (ss amp, used about 700)

This is one of the steps I took-it was quite satisfying and both components hold their value well (I should admit that I never got rid of the DNA 0.5... it's now a Platinum Revision by SMC Audio).

This will leave you a lot of room for sources, speakers & wires. (I'll let others weigh in there).

Happy listening...

Here's a possible scenario to consider:

Ayre AX-7e Integrated (SS) -- can purchase demo/used @ audiogon for $2000
Ayre CX-7e CD Player (SS) -- can purchase used @ gon for $2000 - 2200
Proac D15 Speakers -- new or used (new = $3500; used = $2500)
Run balanced Cardas cable from AX-7 to CX-7 -- $250 (demo)
Speaker cable -- $1000

You are well within your budget. If you can splurge a bit, I would go with new Proac D25s ($5500 MSRP).

This system will last you quite some time.
I will second Kotta. For newbies, Bryston wins handsdown in my book. I have Lamm reference 1.2 amps, and they are great but you will spend $11,000 new for these. It is almost impossible to drop so much right away on stuff until you have listened to lots of stuff over years. Do not get overwhelmed, there are no right answers for all people here. If you want to get a whole system for $6000, I would go used Bryston 4B-ST amp with BP-25 preamp and then spend $3000 on speakers and pick up a good Universal player from Sony maybe new here. Speakers are a personal choice but I would look for used Avalons and I think you would be very happy.
If I were starting over, I would consider one of the CD players that can also function as a pre-amp, saving a lot of money, space, and cost of cables. The unit I would buy would probably be the Audio Aero Capitole. Then you would need an Amp and speakers, but no pre-amp.
There are a lot of good points on this thread...I cannot make any judgments about the Bryston stuff becasue I have never had any of their equiptment. I do however think that floorstand speakers are the way to go for your room. With the types of music that you listen to I wouldn't really worry about geting a "2.1" system. The woofers of your speakers will more than cover the bass for your music.

Personally, I have had the most enjoyment with B&W speakers and JM Labs. The higher end b&w's have a little brighter sound than the JM Labs, primarily because of the tweeters they use and the cross-overs. You would be ill advised if you were to choose a speaker without ever hearing something simmilar, so do as much listening as you can before actually making a purchase.

Now, if I had $6000 to spend, here is what I would probably purchase.

JM Labs floorstand speakers...Either the electra or utopia, depending on what I could find used from the wonderful people on this site.

Reasonable solid state amp...Nothing too spendy...Maybe a 100 watt classe or krell...Most of the JM Labs require less energy to drive well.

A good cd/pre, especially if you listen to CD's only. Something like the Musical Fidelity CD Pre, or Theta Digital makes one I think...

Cable to tie it all together...Some people think that cables are just snake oil...Some of them are, but a lot of them are not. I really like the entrance level Nordost cables. MIT are also nice, but for the same price levels, nordost is hard to beat.

Best of luck to you, and be sure to keep us posted on where you go from here!
