I don't remember seeing an XLR on the back of my modded Pioneer universal player, but I'll look again. Right now I'm using a Pro-ject Tube Box SE phono-pre for vinyl, but Rod and I started talking about trying Jeff's phono card in the Continuum, which I will do before too long.
Here are a few other little minor notes:
The power switch is on the back and hard to reach when it's on a high shelf in my equipment armoire, but that's no problem since it's intended to be left on. (At least I think that's the intention. I'll ask Jeff when I tour the factory in May).
When turned off it needs some time to settle back in when you turn it on again. Of course, it was off when I picked it up at Soundings. I rushed home and hooked it up within thirty-minutes of it being turned off. At first it was a little unfocused. Timbres were fine, but it just seemed slightly confused in a timing domain or something. Anyway, it locked in after about thirty to forty-five minutes of play and then got really sweet.
The total hours are now in the 100 to 150 range. Mark of Soundings picked it up at the end of last week and, per my request, played it constantly from then until I picked it up. Like I said earlier in the thread, it's already much better than the Conrad Johnson it replaced, which has several hundred hours on it (approaching 1000, I'm guessing).
The guys at Soundings are a little surprised, saying that their past experience tells them that most JRDG amps need closer to 1000 hours to sound thier best. Perhaps the Power Factor Correction built into the Continuum is speeding that along.
One last thing, as an early adopter I'm doing without a manual right now. No big problem and I'm sure that'll be rectified shortly; however, I thought that I should mention it.
Guido, how many hours did it take your 312 to settle in? That's got PFC also, doesn't it?
Oh Guido, you asked a question, when I heard it in Soundings it was with the stock power cord and that's what I'm using right now.
Crap, I forgot to look at the IEC connector, but give the weight of the supplied cord, I'm thinking that it's 20A. I'll try to remember to double-check this p.m.