If you could bring back one great artist that has

departed our world who would it be? We have lost some incredibly talented artists, often under tragic circumstances. If it were possible to have an encore I would vote for Janis Joplin. You?
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Well, Ghosthouse, 12 million Native Americans were exterminated like rats under the guise of "manifest destiny"
as the US stole their lands from coast to coast, just for starters.

There is NO major country in this world that does not have blood dripping from every pore.

USA=Russia=Germany=France=Britian ad infinitum.
We are ALL guilty ! And your LEAVE crap is the ready and sure reply of the fool.
All nations have blood on the hands historically, but that does not make their atrocities equal.

A few examples, both Great Britain and the U.S. practiced slavery, but the plantation system and the institutionalized racism was far more brutal. The U.S. committed genocide against the native Americans, but they didn't gas and burn them as a matter of policy. Towards the end of WW2, if you were German who would you rather have surrendered to, U.S./Britain or Russian forces?
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