The Pure Note Epsilon Reference IC’s and speaker cables were my reference interconnects before I tried and then purchased the Ridge Street Midnight Silver Edition.
I don’t want to offend anyone here; however, in my system (tube and SS) the Midnight Silver Edition Interconnects and Speaker Cable outperformed my Pure Note Epsilon Reference in every way that I can think of.
The Midnight Silver Edition Generation II are better!
There has been some discussion on Audiogon and Audio Asylum about a new distributor of silver wire that Pure Note is now purchasing wire from, hence a better product. That could be. I haven’t heard it. All I can say is...somebody send me two pair of the new Pure Note Epsilon Reference Interconnects 1/M RCA, and after break-in and extended listening, I’ll post a review!
I’m an open-minded type of guy, and in the past I’ve admitted it when a product was better than whatever it was that I was using.
The Pure Note Epsilon Reference IC’s and speaker cables were my reference interconnects before I tried and then purchased the Ridge Street Midnight Silver Edition.
I don’t want to offend anyone here; however, in my system (tube and SS) the Midnight Silver Edition Interconnects and Speaker Cable outperformed my Pure Note Epsilon Reference in every way that I can think of.
The Midnight Silver Edition Generation II are better!
There has been some discussion on Audiogon and Audio Asylum about a new distributor of silver wire that Pure Note is now purchasing wire from, hence a better product. That could be. I haven’t heard it. All I can say is...somebody send me two pair of the new Pure Note Epsilon Reference Interconnects 1/M RCA, and after break-in and extended listening, I’ll post a review!
I’m an open-minded type of guy, and in the past I’ve admitted it when a product was better than whatever it was that I was using.