The chronology is this --
I asked you about the scientific breakthrough that could possibly make these
cables sound "that much better" than and "add that sense of
organic/musicality" where your previous AZ cables had failed.
You told me you had no idea and never even bothered to inquire.
Then, you invited me to call Mr. Lee to get the answer myself.
I went to the web-site and read the "technical papers."
I reported what I found. This was to explain why I will not be calling Mr. Lee.
Anecdotal cable testimonials are *not* facts.
Yours is a subjective testimonial and I guess the idea is that people can post
testimonials and no one is supposed to question them, but that hardly seems
like the proper use of a forum like this, IMO.
If I wrote in and said I put a set of coat hangers between my amplifiers and
speakers and it sounds better than Nordost Valhallas, I think someone would
question my review.
I questioned what your original cables lacked if new ones were needed to
"add that sense of organic/muscality."
Your answer wasn't exactly logical.
The technical papers were loaded with what Lrsky, a Lee fan, calls "
marketing hype."
I'm happy to use that term.
So, let's use Lrsky's non-vitriolic term and say I won't be calling Mr. Lee to
hear more of his "marketing hype."
Once again, I will attempt to leave this thread by saying forget everything else
-- I am happy these cables are giving you and others so much enjoyment.
I think we should just leave it at that.
Happy listening.
I asked you about the scientific breakthrough that could possibly make these
cables sound "that much better" than and "add that sense of
organic/musicality" where your previous AZ cables had failed.
You told me you had no idea and never even bothered to inquire.
Then, you invited me to call Mr. Lee to get the answer myself.
I went to the web-site and read the "technical papers."
I reported what I found. This was to explain why I will not be calling Mr. Lee.
Anecdotal cable testimonials are *not* facts.
Yours is a subjective testimonial and I guess the idea is that people can post
testimonials and no one is supposed to question them, but that hardly seems
like the proper use of a forum like this, IMO.
If I wrote in and said I put a set of coat hangers between my amplifiers and
speakers and it sounds better than Nordost Valhallas, I think someone would
question my review.
I questioned what your original cables lacked if new ones were needed to
"add that sense of organic/muscality."
Your answer wasn't exactly logical.
The technical papers were loaded with what Lrsky, a Lee fan, calls "
marketing hype."
I'm happy to use that term.
So, let's use Lrsky's non-vitriolic term and say I won't be calling Mr. Lee to
hear more of his "marketing hype."
Once again, I will attempt to leave this thread by saying forget everything else
-- I am happy these cables are giving you and others so much enjoyment.
I think we should just leave it at that.
Happy listening.