Review: Emm Labs DCC2 DA converter

Category: Digital

Initial impressions:
I have had the Emm labs DCC2 in my system for a little over 75 hours- break in time- so far and am in awe of its performance(I have about 12 hours listening time so far). I will post a follow up this weekend at some point, but I know many inquiring minds want to know if this piece is the "real deal" or not. Let me say this IT IS!

Upon installing this component in my system I noticed an immediate improvement- more so then ANY other product I have tried. The first note I heard played was unlike any reproduced sound I have ever had in my system. It was closer to the original performance then I have ever been. I've used the term "palpable" in the past to describe the sound of various systems or upgrades, but only now do I truly understand the meaning of it. Strings have texture and body that jump out at you, voices have a presence I can not put into words, percussion has weight and speed unlike anything I have heard before. The soundstage is DEEP and WIDE, with so much resolution I find myself hearing things I have never heard before on recordings I have listened to literally hundreds of times in the past. Detail and resolution so overwhelming that I get confused about everything that I am hearing- the best way I can describe it is: imagine you were deaf and never heard music before and for the first time you hear a song. That is the overwhelming that I am talking about, its down right scary sometime, but a real good scary. Keep in mind this unit is still breaking in and will get- I am told- a lot better.

The one thing I can not stand about a system is a fatigueing sound, this is a big problem with most digital sources. The sure fire way to test this is to listen...... a lot, do you get bored? lose interest in the music? if so its fatigueing. Up until I had the Audio Aero Capitole mkII in my system that had been the case for me, I just could never get into long listening sessions. Upon installing the Cap. I found myself listening and listening and staying up WAY to late rediscovering all of my music- I felt I had finally "arrived"- well I was wrong. However good I thought the Cap. was/is it can't keep up with the DCC2- its not as resolving, detailed........ you know all of the audiophile goodies. Compared it sounds dull and lifeless, and that is an accomplishment because I LOVE(d) the Audio Aero Capitole MkII because it allowed me to enjoy digital for the first time. But like all things something better came along, and this plays SACD's too!

I have been listening to way to many discs the last few days to list them all, however it is clear that SACD is MUCH more resolute, dynamic, faster, more defined soundstage and palpablity(is that even a word!) is increased yet further. This is really clear on Ryan Adams "Gold", James Taylor "Hourglass", Roxy Music "Avalon", Muddy Waters "Folk Singer", Beck "Sea Change", The Soprano's "Pepper's & Eggs"(one of my favorites right now), Szell- The Cleveland Orchesta Grieg*Bizet*Mussorgsky. As the unit breaks in further and I have more time to listen I will compare more of the Redbooks Vs. SACD's- I have around 200 SACD's and have listened to maybe 50 of them on this unit so far- so I have a long joyful road ahead of me.

The bar is raised. Redbook disc's have been brought to the next level. Greg Brown's "The Poet Game"(one of my favorite discs of all time), is even BIGGER then before, the soundstage has become much wider and more defined. I can almost feel the growl of his voice as he is telling me about his "'64 dodge". The bass is more articulate and detailed and slightly faster, with NO sluggishness or coloration. Just accurate, tight bass with a natural harmonic feeling which I have never heard from digital before. Aimee Mann's vocal's on "Bacholer no. 2 or the last remains of dodo" her voice is so fragile and delicate, yet smooth and refined with not even a hiccup of sibilance. This disc is due out as a MoFi hybrid soon, so I wanted to pay attention to the differences from the original to the remaster/sacd.

So far I have not explored much of my classical collection, I am not sure where or when to start but I have to start soon. My collection is probably about ½ classical so it will take some time to go through it accurately. So far what I have heard LAGQ "Latin" is snappy fast, dynamics galore, very well defined stage for the four musicians and a very natural sense of decay as the guitars are playing independently together- if you have this disc you will understand that, if not you'll think I am even weirder. I have listened to some of the Szell discs that I have and they seem to be hit and miss, some are FANTASTIC recordings, some are just fair- but the performances are all really quite good.

At this point the only flaw I can find with this piece was the delay to get it, but after waiting for nearly a year in only three days it seems like a moot point. After the few days of living with this piece I can not think of a single piece I would rather have at ANY price to replace it- maybe the Emm Labs DAC6e if I wanted multichannel. The conclusion I have so far about Emm labs is that Ed Meitner(the man behind Emm labs) has an understanding of digital that NO one else has- his digital front ends are amazing, something is turning in his mind that makes sense to him but baffles everyone else.

With the 3+ days of use on it, the sound has smoothed out even more, more detail is coming out, it seems like resolution is a little better(didn't think that was possible!). Out of the box it sounded fantastic, now it is just settling in and perhaps the sound is a little more laid back, its hard to tell going from one recording to another it could just be the mastering of the various discs. In the next few days if anything is to change a lot I will be sure to post it other wise expect the second part of this review on Sunday when I have more listening time and the unit is a lot closer to being broke in. If your thinking about purchasing this unit, do NOT listen to it if you are not prepared to buy it, because you will do what EVER it takes to get it when you hear it.

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Accuphase DC-300 + DP-90 combo
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Audio Aero Capitole MkII
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Have heard:
Pretty much EVERYTHING at various shows- dCS, Burmester, Audio Mecca, Electrocompaniet, Wadia, Resolution Audio and Ayre to name a few.
Tireguy: Thanks so much for your wondeful comments. I agree completely with most of what you stated. I would say that a good cd transport or cd player going into the DCC2 will still be a HUGE improvement for most people as you do benefit from the conversion to DSD. Although you do not have the ability to play SACD's or the benefits of the DAC handling the clocking, the sound is phenominal.

Mejames: You are correct in what you said regarding the policy of "no more Philips conversions". However, that was based on the hope of an early release of the EMM Labs CDSD (transport). When we realized the transport was still quite a bit further away than we hoped, we continued offering the conversions, and still do. Our current projected release time of the CDSD is April/May. As we get closer and are more certain of the date, we will discontinue the conversions of the Philips SACD 1000.

To those of you still waiting for delivery, thank you for your patience.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Tinn
EMM Labs Distributor
Tireguy - could you comment on the ways in which the DCC2 bettered the Accuphase DP-75V?
Ral- Having had the DCC2 now for over a month I am even more impressed then I was initially. I had a DP-75v 2-3 years ago when it was the "hot" player to have, having heard/owned quite a few players since then I became aware of how flawed the 75v really is. First of all the 75v is DIGITAL there is no getting around it and you can tell as soon as you listen to it, this player suffers from what a lot of us call "digititus". It just has an unnatural way of presenting the music, the soundstage sounds artificial and if you use the digital volume control you end up losing bits of information. Don't get me wrong the 75v was a great player for its time, however technology has changed and the flaws that it has are more noticeable. At the time I thought Accuphase was amazing, but there is simply no comparing the Emm labs with it today. Every single day I listen to my system I am amazed at what I am hearing- there is so much resolution paired no distortion makes for a listening experience that is unlike ANYTHING out there today. Where ever you live try and find someone who has this unit and listen for yourself it has to be heard to be believed.

I had a friend up visiting a few weeks ago and he had heard my system prior and was not really that impressed, when he heard it this time he was literally blown away- he could not believe what he was hearing. It took him a few hours of listening to realize what was going on, at first it is almost overbearing and confusing but that is how music sounds! I also find myself posting here very little if at all these days, I used to contribute a lot but now I would rather be selfish and enjoy the music- which is what I am going to do right now :o)

If you have any specefic questions Ral let me know and I will do my best to help you out.