How to make the Sony 5400 Much better ,
Start with taking out the garbade steel fuses the electrical resistance is 10x more than Silver the Hifi tuning fuses although expensive make a improvement across the board buy the 1a slow blow fuses x2, also Music direct sells a large sorbathane sheet to damp the transport ,also they carry 3m damping sheets for the chasis buy 2-3 1 under the hood ,and a piece for each side , then 2 pieces for the sides of the transport and anywhere metal is exposed ,also think about some good feet .I have the audio prisms that support the unit
at least a 5% improvement for $200 and change well worth it just for the inner detail alone , then when bucks are right have it modded the Terra firma clocks are the Best bar none , and Dan Modwright also has a vacuum tube mod to complement that then you have a $10+ player !!