Review: Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD Player

Category: Digital

I love natural recordings that capture the full acoustic envelope of the performances. The Shostakovich Sonatas performed by Ax and YYMa comes to mind...the Sony portrays the entire event in such an unforced and natural manner that it triggers ones acoustic memory into believing it is real. A player that offers no tone color or openness would be my worst nightmare. I replaced my BAT VK D5 24 bit CDP and was amazed at how much resolution and color was lost on the older design. The Sony re-creates the space, music and acoustic tones with overtones so completely that you start to smile and realize that you have been given a great gift...a peak into the performance as it occured at the recording session. My opinion of the Sony applies as much for the redbook section as it does for the SACD section. This player will become a classic product for digital playback....much better it does not get! It's a keeper at any price,,,for $1500 USD it is a freakin steal. This is Sony's best effort to date and manages to break new ground in the digital domain:)

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These days, for a hundred bucks you might get some good used footers if your lucky. Other than that, maybe a second job.
Thanks for the snide remark - I hope it made you feel better about yourself. Best regards
I understand completely...I meant to imply that Dan could point you in the right direction:O) Get the player and convert it...enjoy it and then save up for the mod!! It's worth waiting for.
Mohit25. I have the 5400 with Modwright mods - absolutely fantastic. I asked if they could modify it to 240v (for Australia) but they said no. I had the tube power supply built to 240v and for now I am just using a 110-240v transformer. I am sure my local technician can change the Sony internal power to 240v but he would have to claw the unit out of my hands - I have not been able to take it out of my system to show him yet !
I agree with the comment - buy it now - it is a world class player. Then save up for the mods.
However it is easier to buy it and have it sent straight to Modwright and then they will send it to you. Some US sellers will not send out of the US. Postage back and forth will be a waste - the modded player is sensational - worth many times the total cost. Same freight - just do it !