Most overrated audio manufacturers?

As far as being overrated, only Bose comes to mind, as far as what the general public thinks.

But I can't really come up with anything else. As to overpriced, well, that's a different story.

I have no doubt that Goldmund products are well-engineered, well built, and using those big slabs of aluminum are expensive. But the prices? I just don't see it.

Same with Audio Note (Japan)...I don't doubt they are extremely fine products, all that silver, but they MUST be overpriced.

"Statement" (top-of-the line) cables...thousands of dollars, jeez louise.
Cannot agree with Lamm being mentioned here. I can see how someone might think of them as overpriced, but not overrated. IMO their high value comes from the sound quality of their gear, which is outstanding, and the length of time their models stay current and competitive with the best designs available. Their resale value is also solid across their lineup. From that perspective, one could argue they are not even overpriced.
The ones that make your ears bleed in spite of what the reviewers and the fanboys postulate.
...make your ears bleed in spite of what the reviewers and the fanboys postulate...


Good Deal Eats Brain