"Audiophile" fuses. A comparison.

Ennui has me contemplating upgrades. Have you made comparisons/evaluations
Geoffkait, not sure what your post is trying to say. Can you please clairify.
I think Geoff is trying to say that since your experience lies outside of (an outlier) than what he believes is typical, it should be discounted. At least by anyone else. It's a way of dismissing a data point that is at variance with your hypothesis without having to explain the divergent data. It could be the result of an equipment failure, operator error, or a faulty hypothesis. In the case of something as subjective as hearing a difference between line fuses, I'm not sure where it gets you. If the listener thinks the fuses improve his experience and wants to use "audiophile grade" fuses, or magic dots, or little pieces of tin foil on his CDs, god bless.
Hifial, there are many reasons why folks sometimes get no results or even results that hurt the sound with fuses or almost any audio device or component you can think of. While that is evidence there might be some issue with the fuse or device or component it is only one data point. All of the evidence must be assembled and plotted on a graph to build a case for whether the item under test is for real. Without such more complete evidence it is not a good idea to draw conclusions or make generalizations regrading the effectiveness of the thing since there are quite a few reasons why a person might not get the positive results he was perhaps looking for, including inserting the fuse in the wrong direction, to name one. To claim that everyone will obtain the same results is a little bit premature. Most audiophile fuse manufacturers have been been thoroughly vetted in the press and on audio forums, so there's actually little doubt about their effectiveness, generally speaking.
Ptss, forget the Salisbury, get the real one from there if you haven't been yet. Yours will handle their tender juicy steaks with no problem :-)