Update on new binding posts.
I purchased the Cardas CCGG long posts, direct gold plate over copper. The rings that are soldered to the ends of the cross-over wires appears to be brass. These rings were bolted to the original binding posts. I am going to get the brass out of the signal path by soldering the cross-over wires directly to the new Cardas binding posts. The brass rings has to degrade the sound. Hopefully the new binding posts and the elimination of the brass in the signal path will improve the sound. Any thoughts on this from other Dunlavy owners?
I purchased the Cardas CCGG long posts, direct gold plate over copper. The rings that are soldered to the ends of the cross-over wires appears to be brass. These rings were bolted to the original binding posts. I am going to get the brass out of the signal path by soldering the cross-over wires directly to the new Cardas binding posts. The brass rings has to degrade the sound. Hopefully the new binding posts and the elimination of the brass in the signal path will improve the sound. Any thoughts on this from other Dunlavy owners?