Review: Polk Audio SDA-2 Speaker

Category: Speakers

Purchased these speakers new in 1983 and they remain in one of my systems today. I had orginally planned to purchase the SDA 1 and I had auditioned them a couple of weeks earlier and have decided to spend the $1,700.00 for them.

When I arrived to pick them up,the owner advised Polk just had released the SDA 2 and I would be wise to listen to them before a final decision was made. So a side by side comparison was made for me. At the onset the difference was readily apparent. The SDA 2 clearly was more musical than the SDA 1. All of us standing around listening to the comparison were just scratching our heads. Here was a new speaker from Polk which was just under their flagship model,that just plainly sounded better for some reason.

One said well maybe the SDA system is not working on the SDA 1. So checked this out,SDA was working,checked the fuses,no problem there. The SDA 2 was clearly out performing the SDA 1.

So here I took a deep breath and ask the price on the SDA 2. They were $450.00 less than the SDA 1. My wife, now we are 32 years married,like them as well,but wanted to know if they could be had in a oak finish as opposed to the Walnut. So the owner checked has dealer form and said that oak wasnt available,but he would call to check out. Polk advised him oak was not available,but that if I wanted oak,they would make the cabinents for me in oak. Would take about 3 weeks to get done. All I can say,what a dealer this was and what a company Polk was at that time. So paid the money and in three weeks the Polk SDA 2 were delivered to my door and set up for me.

There is clearly a reason I have kept these all these years. And that reason is performance. After all these years they continue to impress. the sonics,the dept,clarity are just magical. With the SDA system the soundstage is indeed large,and one can literally pick each instrument in a symphonic orchestra. These speakers perform well with all types of music,from Rock N Roll,to Jazz and Classical. I have never found them lacking in any way.

Now some 20 years plus since they were new,I find this is the ultimate validation of this product. Have several sets of speakers over the years and have many now,but the Polk SDA 2 continues to impress. Matthew Polk got it all very right with the SDA 2.

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I too have a pair of the SDA-2 speakers. However I am now finally upgrading to some new equipment. I have an old NAD amp/pre-amp/tuner with the SDA-2s. I have just purchased a pair of Sonus Faber Cermona Auditors... these are the first speakers that convinced me there was anything out there better for the money. Now I need to upgrade the rest of my system... still like NAD and considering the T773 or the new seperates (T163 and T972 or whatever it is). Any thoughts?