Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
Thanks for putting those JBL's out there for us before listing them. That is a great idea, I am always more interested in local sales to avoid shipping issues. Also a good opportunity to meet new 'philes and hear other systems. In the future, I may use the same approach.

I do not see any response to Mike's get together last Sunday so I will . . . I sure enjoyed the conversation and music, and the eats were fantastic. And I did get some ideas for room treatment like Mike suggested. I have a friend who is enbarking on DIY treatments and I now have some better suggestions for him. Thanks again Mike.

Marc, count me in when you nail down a time. Your system pics look good, nice job.

Scot from New Richmond
Scot, I'm definately going to give the JBL's away to someone (hopefully one of the local group members). They were given to me by someone in the group and I'd like to pass on the favor. Incredibly, only one inquiry so far and it was from a gentleman in Columbus. If a local doesn't respond by mid week, they're headed north!

Secondly, I too would like to send a big "Thank You!" to Mike Morrow and his wife. Once again it was a great get together. It was great talking to the regulars and meeting a few out-of-towners too.

Marc, you know I'll be there when the time comes.........


Hello everybody; I hope the holidays were wonderful for you and your family's The time has come for Me to host a meeting I am looking at 2 dates the 25 of January and the 8 of February . The starting time would be about 1:00 PM and go till whenever ? . I would be able to handle about 12 or 14 people in My home at any one time . I would be happy to host on both dates if there is enough interest and I get too many for one date. I have almost no parking at My home so car pooling would help or walk a little bit to My house from nearby street. So send Me a e mail and let me know your interest and what day . I will respond back to each of you as a master e mail list has been lost. My e mail is lake513 on Audiogon --- -- Please members only okay----- and as always members are always welcome for mini visits just call or e mail me
Hello Club Members; I wish to thank those of you who were brave enough to venture out in the snow yesterday to come to My get together. I enjoyed seeing some old friends and meeting some new ones . I wish I could of spent a little more time talking to each of you but am sure future meeting's will take care of that and new friendships will develop . I also wish to remind everyone that I will host part two of the meeting on Sunday February 8 at 1 PM till for those of you who were unable to make the January 25 meeting. Again I thank all who attended and encourage mini visits as our busy schedules permit. Marc
Drat. I never received the e-mail from Audiogon. I need to check here more frequently. Unfortunately, I am assisting my wife with a spaghetti dinner for 500 plus people at our local school on the 8th, and if I wish to stay married, I need to be there. Have fun, and if you have any other little get togethers, please let me know.