Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
Hello I went there last weekend the "Wilsons" sounded terrible, there was no bass for sure and those amps sounded very un dynamic, I listened to take five brubeck and i know it very well it lacked any musicality so I left . That place is very un enligtened for sure.l asked them about a nordost pulsar points they sell and they said they have never heard them and had no idea what they would do in my system. when i was their 3 years ago they were anti analog and told me that a phono cart degrades significantly after 100 hours of play and i should go digital!!
nstigator: did you listen to the alexandras or sophias or both. i didn't like the sophias with the naim equipment either. as for vinyl, i have bought 2 turntables from them over the course of the last 4 years. not trying to change your mind, just get a little more info.
forgive my mistake guys, those were not alexandrias, but sashas i was commenting on. i looked at the website and realized my mistake.
Went by Audible Elegance. Wilson's were great. Great electronics pushing them.
I was up there about a week ago as well. The Sashas paired with the McIntosh gear was pretty remarkable. A couple of friends have remarked that the Mac gear should not be underestimated. Also the cut of music they picked was well recorded and had some influence on me.

The Sophias with the Naim gear was another story. But in my opinion is was more the room than the gear. One could ponder if the gear is a good match but I noticed the room was exceptionally live and no system would do well in that environment.