Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
New toys:

Guys, just got a David Berning 100w triode amp, a VPI SDS for my table and a Zu/Denon cartridge to alternate with the Wilson cartridge. Different sound than before. If anyone is curious to hear this gear, I'm up for some visits. I know that I had wondered about the Zu for years. I also have a Doge 8 preamp that much has been written about. Just contact me.

Tom Collins
Guys ; My long search for a amp has come to a end I now own a NAT SE2SE mono block SET amp with a pair of 211 tubes in a push pull circuit. The amps put out 70 watts a channel quite a change from the UltraFi 's with 18 watts per channel .My speakers now have the power they have needed for so long.The UltraFi's were a wonderful amp but just did not have the power my speakers needed I still have the SET magic, beautiful sound staging , transparency and a bottom end that kicks ass .Anybody have a quad of GE 211 tubes I could try for a short term loan ? Now I can start dreaming about a preamp next year maybe at the top of the list is the coincident statement line stage anybody have a used one for a cheep price LOL . I can dream can't I
Did anyone make it to RAF? If so what was the best and, worst set ups that you heard?
I went.

Some of the good was from Merlin. Their set-up was well balanced, some of the best bass notes at the show. He was using some sort of little stereo tube amp. I suspect it had something to do with their sound as well. I discovered GR Research... their room with Dodd electronics was tremendous. They were using their Super-V, open-baffle speakers including servo-driven subs. They were spacious, huge full range sound with no bloom or fatigue. And being a panel guy, Roger Sander's electrostats and electronics were pretty damn good. It looks like he nose what he's doing!

There were some unmentionables. Mostly room acoustics I suspect. Considering the coin some of the top shelf gear was asking, it better have been the room!!