Here is an update as to what Vinh Vu of Norvinz (http://www.norvinz.com/) will be bringing to the meeting:
1) Merrill-Scillia MS2 TT
2) Sanders ESL amp and line preamp, Sanders phono preamp
3) TBI new entry-level system
4) Innersound Isis with an active crossover/bass amp ( the old Isis was passive). As the new Sanders models 10a and 11a are still in production for second quarter release, he will not be able to bring either of those speakers. The 11a is based on Innersound Isis and according to Vinh, You will get the essence of the sound but not quite the same speakers. There are two differences: the 11a will have a remote crossover amp with which you can adjust the mid range AND bass while the old Innersound does not have a remote and only has the bass control. The second difference is the looks, with the 11a having a modular construction with wood finish sides and laminated aluminum backs. According to Vinh, I think these are not major differences and if they like the Isis the 11a will only be better.
5) Vibration demo w/ Gingko products. The Gingko vibration demo will have 2 identical accelerometers mounted on the shelf and the platform to show the difference in vibration on and off the platform in real time. If anyone has a VPI Scout or Scoutmaster and wants to bring it to the meeting, then Vinh will demonstrate the new Cloud Nine product. If you have a VPI and are willing to bring it, please email me at jeff@commandav.com.
This should be a great meeting.