Ringing tests: we all thought hey B&W are you F. deaf. You don’t need computers to find out that it has more distortion than some other materials.
I think they made a big mistake, when you use materials who are extreemly dead it does not garantee you to get a better sound, or more natural sound.
What were the remarks of listeners ( shop owners and clients) during listening to the D3 series?
It lacks emotion, Sonus Faber had a great story about this. They wrote that a violin or cello uses it’s distortion in sound to create an emotional sound.
In the past e auditioned many speakers who used materials who almost had no distortion. They souded rather dead.
During listening of the 802D3 with the song: ’Thank you’ from Chris Jones. The energy of the acoustic guitar could not get free of the speaker. It sounded like a coloration of the speaker.
The other thing we noticed was that we missed the diversity in the middle frequency. Both the 804D 3 and 802D3 were not able to give us a rich and diverse middle frequency.
Another remark of shop owners of the D3 series was: you need a warm sounding amp to get an invloving sound out of the D3 series.