Swiss amps. Worth the price?

Is there such thing as Swiss sound? Are they good, anyway? Certainly cost a lot of dead Washingtons.
Hi Jazz,

Actually anglophone living in the Romandie part of CH.

Yes, I actually bought a pair of Swiss demo speakers in the US back in 2011 for 1/3rd of retail and shipped them back! With the exchange rate then, it felt more like 75% off. LoL
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Oh no, wrong again, shame on me! I am missing some good Franglais that I tried to find in your comments, imagined to have found one.
Having said that, very few guessed my mother tongue correctly.

A good German friend of mine re-imported German classics when the USD was really low (80s, Carter years). A lucrative nice hobby/side job!  So I can image your contentment a couple years ago. With the two central banks' policies across the Atlantic diverging, I guess you won't be bringing back much "Swiss Made" gear for a while to come. Both USD and CHF are safe haven, one has more nukes/capita and one more atom bomb shelters/capita, a macabre comparison I must admit.