Ait, Choke at the input as well as choke and big capacitor in my Furman Power Factor correcting conditioner serve as filter. Charging Linear PS capacitors is still done in narrow spikes of high amplitude - no escape from that. Current is switched on and off when voltage is the highest (worst possible moment). Choke filters out spikes from the power cord but problems inside still exist. Switching noise propagates thru the circuit affecting sound. The only linear part in "linear supply" is that it is unregulated. Output voltage still depends on the load while line regulation is zero. I wrote about "linear" supplies, to show that switching can be done smarter in SMPS that has very tight line and load regulation - usually not possible in power amps linear supplies because of power dissipation in voltage regulators. There are great sounding amplifiers with linear supplies, even without any input choke. I’m only stating that it can be done better with quiet SMPS. Switching supplies designed by Jeff Rowland are extremely quiet. FAQ on his website explains why he abandoned traditional "linear" supplies.