Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better

Luckily I don't see it as much on here compared to other audio websites. I just find it so annoying I stop looking at the thread. There are just to many variables in audio to debate what is better than what. I guess it's just an ego thing that I don't want to take part in.

it depresses me when a thread devolves into argument. Seems to happen on Audio Asylum a lot. Its usually the same few guys who know it all and say there is only one way. I am relatively new to high end audio and learn plenty from these threads and truly don't understand how people can take themselves so seriously and talk so loudly and definitively about something like audio that is so subjective. I simply stay away and don't respond to those folks. jet
I disagree.
  Richard Galliano is substantially better accordionist than I am and has substantially better accordion than I am.
Even if I practice for the next 5 years 8..10hrs per day, I might not reach his incredible skill of jazz accordionist. 

Read anything by Dan Ariely – especially "Predictably Irrational" – and it will become clear to you pretty quickly. He also has several TED talks you can watch online...
Do a little research, regarding the Dunning-Kruger Effect, for a bit of insight.   Then, factor in the fact that aural acuity often varies greatly, between individuals(ie: when the argument swirls around whether things like burn-in, cable direction, fuses, etc make an audible difference).   To save some time: (http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/do-you-suffer-from-the-dunning-kruger-effect--net-22227) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)