Any feedback on Rythmik Audio Subwoofers?

I am looking for a new subwoofer to complement my Green Mountain Europa Speakers. Specifically want a music sub, not HT. Roy at GMA likes the Dayton 12 MkIII for a low price solution (since I can't afford his!).

Does anyone have experience with the Rythmik Audio sub's? How about with Direct Servo solutions?

Thanks in advance!

I have 2 F12 SE models pair with Magnepan 1.7. To say its a match made in heaven is an understatement. Tight and tuneful.
I use 2 15" Rythmik Audio subs, powered by 2 Rythmik audio amplifiers (370 PEQ). Excellent results.
I also use 2 more 370 PEQ amps on 2 12" subs in my Sinfonia speakers. Also works great.
Controls on these amps provide total control over bass response.

In my music only system, I have a pair of F-12G subs that perform very well. I found the Rythmik sub easy to integrate and does a nice job filling in the bottom end....
Great subs. I own 2 15HP with the 600w amps, great for music and HT. DIY boxes. Highly recommended.