Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
He sure was, oregonpapa, inventing much of the Audiophile vocabulary still in use today. His first priority in the reproduction of music was accurate instrumental and vocal timbre, the lack of "vowel" coloration. Gordon's insistence that Hi-Fi evaluation and critique begin with that hurdle is considered "fascistic" by Art Dudley, a current reviewer I like a lot. Art considers accurate timbre to be just one of the equally-important jobs of Hi-Fi equipment, being in fact of less importance to Art than a component's abilities at reproducing the temporal aspects of a recording---the timing, "touch" (as he refers to the physical sound of a player's fingers on the strings of a guitar, for instance), and scale (the size of the instrument(s) and the recording venue).
Inna, I stopped reading and listening to all of news including Stereophile, TAS etc.
There's no single word there truth.
I actually like the magazine. However, reading the drivel that RH just wrote about the new ML Neolith speaker is somewhat off-putting. I guess if I wanted a course in how to write with hyperbole I could read his article/review and gain a lot. Problem is, as soon as the next speaker comes along that can "pull the sword from the stone" he is going to have egg on his face. Stupid, IMHO to write like that about ANY piece of gear..whether it be now or in the future. However, recognizing the foolishness, and the writing style, is always a little entertaining.
Like others, I see audio mags as similar to car mags.  Mostly appealing to the fantasies of their readers.  Sort of a modern Sears "wish book" for adults.  I will say that most of the car magazines do a better job of balancing their coverage of uber cars with coverage of cars that the average Joe can afford.  The car and audio writers have found a way to get paid to write about a hobby they love while someone else covers the cost of the eye-wateringly expensive equipment to which they listen or drive.  Not a bad gig.