Need a 3 meter IC- not bright- suggestion please

I recently picked up a Bryston HPA-1 headphone amp. I'll be running it off of the tape out from my Pass XP20. I need a 3 meter or 10 foot IC to hook up the 2. Right now I'm using a DH Labs BL-1 cable which to my ears is a tad bright. Looking for something truly neutral. The headphones I use are Beyerdynamic T1, 2nd gen., Hifiman HE560 and Sennheiser HD 600s. I have an OTL tube headphone amp that mates really well with the HD600's so that's not really a consideration. I  do have another tube headphone amp, which I use interchangeably with the BHA-1, so I would like something that would mix and match well.

Not willing to spend a mint. I suppose if I had to put a dollar figure, I really don't want to spend more than $400. If price were not a consideration I would likely choose Analysis Plus solo crystals (I'm a big fan of OCC cables)

The Audience Ohno cables fit my price range. I've got experience with their AU24's which I like, but I have not heard the Ohnos.

suggestions please? 

Thank you! 
 Cardas Golden Cross (or plain non-Golden Cross, but the Golden is better, with more refinement/ease).
Turns out I built my own- Klotz AC110 cable (think Rega Couple- it's the same wire- used to be called Klotz GY107, then when marketed as an instrument cable, sold as Klotz LaGrange), Neutrik ProFi plugs all wrapped in black Techflex. Total cost of materials was $125