Smooth Highs and Deep Bass

Looking for advise on an RCA interconnect that can tame the digital edge from my SS ARC CD3 mkII and also has low-end extension.

System is:
Rogue Preseus Magnum preamp (w/ Mullards), Sunfire 300, Gallo Classico CL-3’s, Blue Circle Power conditioning

Cables are:
Purist Audio Museous IC from pre to amp
Purist Audio Aqueous speaker cables
Audience PowerChords

For the CDP, I have tried Cardas Parsec and Clear Sky; did a great job of smoothing out the highs, but had no low-end.
Cardas Clear Light; too harsh, but great dynamics.
Cardas Golden Reference; too coloured.
Purist Museous; highs were not smooth enough, great dynamics.

Budget is under $500 (1 meter), not looking for a detailed cable, system already has detail.
Need smooth highs, open, with deep low-end. I’m already renting from the Cable Company and need additional assistance.

I would give Time Portal Reference a try a used one is in that price range.

This exercise is a noble effort but unless someone has your exact system AND close proxy in listening environment (with all its non- subtle warts) it's just (regrettably ) just a blind stab at best.

These blind recommendations are predicated on a heavily biased and anecdotal personal value judgement pushing their own personal faves with a minimal to nil probability of actually working in your system .

As you have already highlighted, system synergy matters "big time" and one size does not fit all .... The various cables all have unique sonic signatures that vary with the rest of your system  - full stop.

FWIW there is no substitute for the time consuming (contemporaneously rewarding and frustrating ) actual hands-on auditioning with a swap-in and swap-out of contenders and pretenders. The only ethereal constant thst I have experienced is that a first start is to experiment with:

(a) the same brand (and quality strata ) as the speaker cables and/or;
(a) recommendations from dealers or audio expos for cables with your electronics and/or speakers.

This frustrating yet rewarding step in this hobby is a weaving and pedantic journey to Oz , and not any finite quick short circuit to a silver bullet prescribed destination.

Try some MIT SHOTGUN cables, S1, S2, S3 line (awesome deal on used market). These cables tame bright sounding systems, period! And they sound tonally accurate and beautiful.

Matt M

Thanks, akg, I value you insightful comments.
System synergy does matter and one size does not fit all, but my real goal is to ask other members if they have found cables that help soften the "edge of digital output without sacrificing dynamics. (I've already found the right PC).

I love the sound of my current system; the Purist Audio cables have great synergy with my components, just trying to tweak the digital. I need some advise; I think the Cable Co. is out of ideas.