Fleib 12/13/2015
You're way out of line posting your
belt drive BS on this thread. It doesn't matter how good it supposedly is,
it's inappropriate.
Fleib, you are addressing this concern to
the wrong person.
A review of the posts since 2011
shows that is others who are starting
discussions and making comparisons on belt drives in this thread. For example -
Doron & Harold-not-the-barrel
started a discussion on the Oracle BD in September 2014.
Halcro, the originator of the
thread, started discussing the merits of various BD’s vs DD’s and their relative Feickert
speed test results and graphs in October this year.
You and Richardkrebs were
discussing belt drives with respect to Bruce Thigpens test results on wow &
flutter in October this year.
I have only responded to others
comments on BD’s since Halcros Feikert discussion in October.
The FIRST person to bring up the
performance of the Final Audio VTT1 thread drive to this thread was in fact
Richardkrebs in this post
Richardkrebs – 5/11/15
There, one TT is mentioned where
specific data is given on the amount of laser pointer movement per revolution
and its distance from the centre spindle.
This TT is a beautifully engineered
machine with, from memory a 22 kg platter driven by a fractional horse power
motor via a thread. Hereafter I will call this TT. "TD"
The specifics were 2 mm movement on
a radius of 400 mm, per revolution.
My first post and only post in this thread on the Final Audio VTT1 thread drive in the 4 years up until October this year was a response to the misleading comments posted by Richardkrebs -
Dover 5/14/2015
To be clear what was being measured
in my post on the Timeline thread – the 2mm lag was generated by setting the TT
speed with no stylus playing and then measuring the lag when playing. A 2mm lag
at a radius of 400mm is a speed error of 0.08%
If I set the speed with a record
playing, which is my normal procedure, then there is no speed error at all as
measured on the Timeline, and therefore the variation in stylus drag due to
music playing is an immeasurable % age of the total drag.
If we assumed that the variation in
stylus drag is plus or minus 20% of the total drag (remember it is not
registering at all on the timeline), then the string drive Final Audio VTT1 has
at worst about half the wow and flutter of an SP10mk2, and about the same as an
SP10mk3, without the induced negative effects of the servos.
The SECOND person to bring up the Final Audio VTT1 thread drive in this thread was Halcro in this post -
Halcro - 10/24/2015
It is indeed revealing that Dover
has never had the intestinal fortitude to post his Final Parthenon turntable
performances under both the Timeline and the Feikert Speed App yet continues to
boast of its abilities. I am dubious in the extreme.....😎
Halcros comment flabbergasted me as the only mention I had made in this thread re the Final Audio VTT1 thread drive prior to his post was the single response to Richardkrebs post.
Clearly some folk feel the need to
question the performance of the Final Audio VTT1 even though I never raised it
in the first instance, or even the second. You will have to ask them why they
keep bringing it up in this thread, but if it is maligned, then I may feel
obliged to respond.
As to the subject of the thread “
DD are we living dangerously” then all turntables are relevant. In order to assess this proposition one needs a reference.
For example, one could argue that the Linn LP12
BD presents a very good case for being the gold standard for "living less dangerously" as it is one of only a very
few turntables where one can have the manufacturer repair and refurbish any
turntable they have ever made.
In terms of the Final Audio thread drive –
mine is around 40 years old, used every day and has never broken down, ever.
The oscillator preamplifier ( speed controller ) is completely original, never
been recapped or repaired in any way shape or form. The only servicing required
in 40 odd years of operation has been a re-lube of the motor and a change of
oil in the main bearing every few years.