B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
In addition the tweeter is now solid body and not tapered tube...something tells me they won't be used in recording studios anymore!
Lastly, specifications and frequency plots tell you nothing about how they sound..same goes for other gear.  It will be interesting to see how they are received over the next year.

Lastly, specifications and frequency plots tell you nothing about how they sound..same goes for other gear.

Dave - If you add "in your room" after the word sound. I agree

Otherwise specs and frequency plots tell you the story from the manufacturers room and their testing. This is important.
Its a start and puts you in the ball park to drill down further. It will tell you for example if an amp by its design specs has any chance with that speaker by its design specs. In the end imo, it does boil down to your own room size, its acoustics and your gear. .

Here is an example of this that I find really interesting in regards to B&W, that I would like to share.  

This graph was sent to me by B&W Europe years ago


It is the frequency plot for the 801 matrix "without" using the supplied Bass Alignment Filter. (not sure if it is 801 s2 or s3)
B&W England are the ones that drew the two dotted lines on the graph.

The 801 matrix speakers were designed to be used with the BAF. The speakers with BAF devices were shipped to original owners. But these devices became lost as speakers changed hands. They pop up on their own on ebay.  

The two interesting parts.  

Part 1

Not only does adding the BAF filter as designed give you a smoother response and allow the speaker to hit 20 hz.  The BAF makes the 801 matrix speaker much more efficient . Sorry for the quality, but  the ohm ratings can be seen on the right 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 ohms. The 801 matrix s2 and s3 are a very easy 6 ohm steady load with the active equalization provided by the BAF. This opens up amp choices.    

Part 2

Audiophile opinions on the BAF device are kind of split. Not sure if its an even 50% like it, 50% don't like it, but you have the two camps. Why the difference? The room; its acoustic properties, and how the 801 (aka relationship destroyer) deals with it. There is a reason B&W no longer make the 801.  You need a dedicated room. Its makes no business sense. 

801 matrix owners today (there are many out there and some reading here), that could NOT make the BAF work with the speaker; or who never used it, or even heard of the BAF before;  are taxing their amps way more to make bass with the 801.  

Just sayin....
Listened today to my 802D2's...breaking in my MIT M1.3 cables.  Crystal clear, dynamic and 3D sound staging...and the leather is still there bones:)