VPI scout. giant killer value

I for years have been looking for a table that is worth the investment to better the scout.  I have listened to other tables and although they might sound different, do not necessarily sound better. Yes if you were to purchase a table over 5000.00, well it should be better.  I am impressed with this package beyond my expectations.  I am using a cartridge that has no business being on this table.  It is a Benz micro ref s and it sounds great.  One thing I did find out is wood cartridges are especially sensitive to how much you tighten them to the arm.  It has to be just right.  Otherwise it can cause all kinds of nasty sounds.   I thought I needed a different cartridge when all I needed was a heavier counterweight to increase the effective mass of the arm. Nice that VPI has this option.  All I have to say is this is a great table.  I have one with the acrylic platter.  Are their better, yes, but how much and for how much.   
I have a Scout with a Benz Ebony TR. Everyone says it is overkill but it really sounds great. I also have the old acrylic platter. I am sure I could do better, but for me this combo is a real winner. Phono stage is a Linn Linto.

My only complaint is how hard it is to set the tracking force, but once you get it locked in,  you are good to go.

What did you hear that lead you to the heavier counterweight and which one did you upgrade to? I have the stock one.

Going to the 300 rpm motor was a good upgrade for me.