Needle just gets stuck in a particular spot of the record ! What is going on?

Never experienced anything like that. I just bought this Japanese record, and though there are many hairlines it plays almost perfectly except for this spot. If you look at it while it's happenning the stylus moves back and forth endlessly and the same phrase keeps repeating forever without any noticeable distortion. I cannot see anything suspicious under a very strong light. The record is very clean, I cleaned it twice on a machine with Audio Intelligent three step system.
So what the hell is this? Groove wall damage? This is a Japanese record from seventies, I have a number of them from that time. That vinyl is excellent.
You can usually loosen whatever is adhered to the groove wall with good magnification and a round toothpick.  Since you've isolated the spot where it's occurring, it should be fairly simple.
I gets more interesting. I cleaned the record once again and played it. First time it played through just fine, then I repeated a few times and it refuses to do it. The stylus is reasonably clean.
Get a strong magnifying glass and a sewing needle. A little speck of unloosened dirt is most probably the culprit. Sometimes what we can't see with the naked eye, looks like a boulder to the tip of the diamond. Once you see it, just gently probe with the needle until you have it out.