I can tell NO difference between them. This after many years of comparison.
IMHO, cryoing a tube is a big waste of money. The only advantage that I have read about, is "maybe" the tube "might" last longer, but I'm not so sure.
Changes or improvements of sound quality from Mullards CV4003??
I was advised to change out the output tubes in the current Rogue Sphinx integrated amp with Mullard CV4003 tubes. One or two members have mentioned this change, claiming it would cut down on the "glare" indigenous to a Hypex Class D amp used in the Rogue Sphinx amp. Therefore, would appreciate any feedback from members who have made this tube change. BTW, I have a new pair of Golden Ear Technology model 7.speakers
PlLEASE NOTE:..... Rogue is now shipping the Sphinx version 2 integrated which supposedly has three improvements over the original: 1) a lower overall noise floor, 2) increased volume in the headphone output, 3) greater volume sensitivity with the MM phono stage; 4) a new plastic "skeletal" remote that has added a mute switch.
All admirable changes on their part,. but very bad because the new version lowers the re-sale value of the original. Upgrade plan cost $ 400.00 plus the round trip shipping costs ( approx.$115 from West Coast to Rogue in Pennsylvania)
To cut to the chase: This makes me more than somewhat reluctant to pour more money into the unit by adding the Mullards to the current non-upgraded version which I have. Therefore, Mullards and upgrades would cost approx....$700-715.
BTW, with the Holidays and CES ahead, Rogue informed me upgrade turn around time would be at least 4-5 weeks. Am I between a rock and hard place?? Thanks to all