thanks for the head's up, ct0517. Mine is on its way. I've been wanting to replace mine ever since I bought my arm (used) a few years back. Alas, Bruce had no more to sell. So, this is a most welcome development.
The decision to use aluminum hopefully solves a problem I've had with using my et2: every time I adjust vta, the arm goes out of level and needs to be reset. I conjecture that the cause is the lack of rigidity at the contact point between the base and the two levelng screws. This holds especially for arms that have had their base abused by owners who overtighten the leveling screws and leave indentations in the base.
The decision to use aluminum hopefully solves a problem I've had with using my et2: every time I adjust vta, the arm goes out of level and needs to be reset. I conjecture that the cause is the lack of rigidity at the contact point between the base and the two levelng screws. This holds especially for arms that have had their base abused by owners who overtighten the leveling screws and leave indentations in the base.