I would actually audition the Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II’s before you move up the line to the newer speakers (e.g. Treo). It should be a relatively easy load to drive, much easier than the 3A Sig (which I own). The 2Ce Sig II’s dig fairly deep into the lower octaves and don’t have the need for a crossover. However all Vandersteen speakers are made for biwiring and the barrier strip requires spades less than 0.5 in wide, so you may need to reterminate your current speaker wire for best connection.
One other thing to mention - if you decide to purchase Vandersteen speakers, follow one of the speaker placement methods outlined in the manual. Read it carefully and make sure that measurements are exact. You will be rewarded immensely with your patience.
One other thing to mention - if you decide to purchase Vandersteen speakers, follow one of the speaker placement methods outlined in the manual. Read it carefully and make sure that measurements are exact. You will be rewarded immensely with your patience.