Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all

Are any of you building power cords with the Western Electric WE16ga? I see that a bunch of fellas on the Jeff Day Blog are making them with very good success. Day has also made some and it seems he may install on his
Mac MC30s. How about it? Any updates? Best, Rob
I tried 22g western electric solid core as interconnects. 2 runs per each pos and neg leg and Switchcraft RCA plugs. Didn't like them in my system. Monochromatic- instruments sounded same with no individual color or timbre. I didn't have an interest in tweeking them to see if they could sound better. Once I heard them after three weeks for burn in I pulled them apart and have saved the Switchcraft RCA for a later use. Perhaps I should have tried them with one run per leg. Jet
Heading out of town for a week but before I left want to give an update on Belden ICs terminated with Canare F10 RCA plugs. I think the mids open up and breathe a bit with the Canare. Bigger more spacious mids without losing the natural sound of the Belden /switchcraft combo. I won't characterize this as good or bad just food for thought.  These things are system dependent but I do like the sound. Regards and happy holidays to all! Jet
Do you mean WE16 with Canare? Are the Belden with Canare now as good as the WE16 with Canare? I would like to try the Canare on one set of ICs, either the WE or Belden. Thanks Jet.
I finished my preamp and it is just wonderful sounding. It is clearly better than the LDR passive I am using as an attenuator in my tube preamp. I have compared the two and I can share the LDR on its own is missing the dynamics and scale of the active. The active gives nothing up in resolution....nothing at all. It simply improves the overall sound with a much bigger and robust presentation of the music. 

Ok Jet, I ordered a set of the f10s to use on my WE ICs. I compared my WE ICs to an $800 set and the WEs won handily to my ears. Looking forward to midrange improvement of the F10.