Blue Circle's PLC -2 Thingee conditioner versus Transparent Audio PLC 6 conditioner???:

Looking at two power line conditioners under $400 on sale.  The Blue Circle PL-2 Thingee conditioner and the Transparent Audio PL-2 # 6   conditioner.  The Blue Circle has received a few good reviews, especially Good Sound which was impressed by the: improved sound: that is:  blacker background for music, lower noise floor, better imaging and focus. I have  found little about the .Transparent Audio conditioner which has a more traditional appearance and layout.  I have concerns about the design of Blue Circle  unit which embeds the circuits and outlets in a 5 inch metal tube that is filled with silicon for improved  isolation against vibration.  

The review claimed that the unit gives off a pungent odor because of the silicon crystal insulation.  I am not sure that is not a health hazard along with the  potential  toxicity of the silicon.    Need some feed back about the effectiveness of both products, and the bizarre design and build of the Blue Circle unit.    Thank you

I have not heard the Transparent Audio but I have own the Thingee for over 1 1/2 years. I agree with Nonoise and his comments.
I will say that if the unit you purchase is brand new, you might need to let it air-out for a week in a garage for example due to the possibility of a silicone order, which will disapate and should not be harmful. I let my second unit air-out for a week in my problem.

I have one as well and agree with nonoise.
I also have the smaller 2 outlet one that plugs directly in  wall outlet ..

Neither had any initial smell according to my nose . Would buy again

I also have a Thingee and really, really like it.  If you can go an extra hundred, I'd suggest the PLC Thingee FX2 X0e 6 outlet Power Conditioner ( $495.00 ).

Like Schubert, I also have the Puck that plugs directly into the wall ($100.00 ). 

The two work well together, but the Thingee is great on its own.

Now that I look at it I have FX2  Xoe model as well , illuminator ,
Blue Circle just makes good stuff .
The Thingee FX2 is an amazing device, incredible performance equalling PCs at a much higher cost. IMO, the Xoe model has a blacker background and reveals more inner detail in the music.

My Thingee never smelled once out of the box. If it has an odor, leave it to air out.  Anyway, it will always live behind your rack.