Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all

Are any of you building power cords with the Western Electric WE16ga? I see that a bunch of fellas on the Jeff Day Blog are making them with very good success. Day has also made some and it seems he may install on his
Mac MC30s. How about it? Any updates? Best, Rob
Will be interested to see if you hear the additional mid range layering with the f10s. Congratulations on your pre amp build.

For my home theater, like Brownsfan, I need long, continuous runs and TeresaJacobs on Ebay has sold out all the long runs. I would like to hear comments regarding the manufacturing year of the WE cables. Some sellers, like “soundofthetheater” on Ebay have WE14ga made in 1999, a couple years before American Insulated Wire went out of business. Is this kind of “late vintage” wire as good as the older ones? They should be at least similar based on specs but maybe not sonic wise.

So far, the most impressive types has been the WE16ga for interconnect with Canara F10 and the WE10ga for power cords with Furutech FI-28. The Belden 8402 sounds good but IME is not on the same league as, e.g. Jupiter’s Cotton 6N Copper. Maybe I need more burn in with the 8402.

FYI I have the following power cords variants with WE10ga ready for testing which may take a very long time as I don’t have a cable cooker:

1a. Unshielded, dual wire twisted, no sleeve (like Jeff Day)
1b. Shielded dual wire twisted, no sleeve
2. Unshielded, twisted dual wire, sleeve, ground wire counter clock wise outer sleeve
3a. Unshielded, braided three wires, sleeve
3b. Shielded, braided three wires, sleeve
4. Unshielded, single hot wire in a tube for extra dampening, neutral spiraling clock wise and ground anti clock wise, sleeve

All cords are 6ft long and terminated with Furutech FI-11 (cu) which is pretty good and affordable for such a test. Will report back after the long test.

mitch2: how does the double wired WE10ga power cord sound vs the single runs and how do you connect the culminated 7ga on an AC plug or IEC a they are made mostly up to 8ga max.

Bill I forgot to mention that the Canare F10 sound awful before they are burned in so give them 10 days of burn in time. Also I wanted  to answer your question - on both the Belden and WE wire I think the Canere plugs added layering and depth to the mid ranges of both cables. But at least for me it doesn't transform either cable into something they are not. Jet
Jazz, I made three sets of your 3a version and love them! I used the 10ga also. I also,p use the 10ga for speaker cables. I find them better than the 16ga doubled up.