Have you ever spoken with a designer or audio engineer

I'll never forget I was doing an audio banquet some years past. At my table were 2 audio engineers. At the banquet they had a lottery for audio accessories. I happen to win a power cord from a fairly well known companies. One of the engineers laughed when I was showing it to people at my table. He said power cords are totally hocus pouch and there is no scientific studies proving there any better than stock cords. He said there basically made for insecure audiophiles. I had mentioned I already had some after markets cords in my system and they definitely made an improvement. He just laughed and said a sucker is born everyday in the audiophile world.

Now the guy I am talking about isn't some unknown schlub. He works for one of the biggest high-end companies in the world and is fairly well known. In fact some people think he is a great designer of audio equipment. I have only talked to a couple of audio engineers in my life and they were both skeptical.  I wonder if this is common among engineers and designers?
One can earn enough degrees to be a thermometer, and still remain deaf as one(thermometer, that is).    Then again, if one can be, "Blinded by Science", I suppose being deafened by Science is also possible.
Indeed....I am definitely seeing a trend with your posts, taters...you seem ...well...very bitter.

Funny ;-)

WOW! This is quite the Exposé.
Thanks for the inside info, it changed my life.

Maybe even funnier.  

I speak with the designer of my gear quite regularly.

He humbly admits that many of the things that make a great difference do so for reasons he doesn't understand.

I laugh at anybody who thinks they've got it all figured out.
Here's another troll coming. Some of the designers of so-called hi-end gear have no idea how things should sound. And I couldn't care less about either their thoughts on the subject or even less than that about their feelings. Audiogon is full of advanced personalities too. None of this really concerns me. Just leave the man alone, you hyenas.
Bill Johnson (Audio Research) was a good engineer who used and recommended Shunyata cords for his electronics. Roger Modjeski (Music Reference) is also a good engineer, and is a power cord skeptic. Roger's electronics are very transparent, and is now making an electrostatic loudspeaker, known for their transparency. I don't know the reason for their honest difference of opinion.