Would you buy from a firm that has a policy about not accepting phone calls

Personally I would not. Call me old school but to me communications are the most important thing in handling business situations. Sure e-mail, faxing and texting are all great but nothing makes up for personal service you receive from getting a phone call. 

Think about it, Amazon does not take phone calls. Many companies have adopted such a policy as putting a human being into the order flow is highly unprofitable.

'No soup for you'.....is a phrase most of understand.

it's an iconic reference to the idea that not every business will kiss the *ss of every customer. some products are worth a bit of conflict.

so the question is whether the benefit of whatever this company offers is sufficient for you to compromise on your communications expectations.

I run a large automobile dealership. and the reality is that we do have to basically be everything to everybody.......and make sure we connect on all levels. it comes with the territory.

but as a consumer of specialized and unique products to me it's refreshing to see companies be who they want to be and let the chips fall where they may. people can vote with their wallets.

Absolutely, as long as I can communicate I'm Ok with it.  Actually I prefer e-mail, I can think about what I want to say and put it as clearly as possible.  Phone calls are great, but many high end companies are small and don't have the staff (or funds) to have a dedicated person to answer questions on the phone.

I'm an email guy as well.  As a long time auditor, I like an an audit trail in case there is a misunderstanding in the future.

As for he O.P.'s point, hopefully the firm has a rational basis for their decision to lose a certain type of client in return for savings in support.