Would you buy from a firm that has a policy about not accepting phone calls

Personally I would not. Call me old school but to me communications are the most important thing in handling business situations. Sure e-mail, faxing and texting are all great but nothing makes up for personal service you receive from getting a phone call. 

Actually, if you request by email, Amazon will call you within minutes...I was pleasantly shocked ! Many companies will only take initial communication electronically, but will talk to you afterwards...
I we were to gauge friendships based upon returned phone calls, my grandkids would be my worst enemies. They return text messages in a flash, but phone messages? ... not so much.

Taters ...

Time to enter into the new world, lad.  It's all digital now. *lol* 
And that is what is wrong with our society. It's become so in personal. We wonder why we don't know our neighbors anymore. 

I don't believe its a good way to do business, not accepting phone calls, but I'm after the sound not the communication although both would be nice. Happy Holidays