Ok, a bit early- what's on your audio wish list for 2016?

I've asked this in years past.

My number one answer is always more music. 2015 been good to me - lots of new music. And I discovered the world of Internet radio with an inexpensive bloothtooth adapter for my preamp and tunein radio app for my phone. 

On on the hardware side I'm pretty solid now- but I've always got my eyes open for something interesting. Wonder if 2016 is the year I take the hi-Rez plunge. 

And I am forever concerned that my ancient Linn Arkiv B cartridge which is still going strong will bite the dust. 

So here's my "official" list for 2016

1- Hi-resolution audio/dedicated laptop
2- Linn Radikal drive
3- Linn Kandid cartridge
4- Tons of music

1 & 4 are likely; 2 & 3 are long shots and I'm still really on the fence over the Radikal. I won't get a new cartridge unless I have no choice