Your favorite BEACH BOYS LP besides PET SOUNDS

I generally prefer their Post Pet Sounds LP's.  Mine is Sunflower, with honorable mention to Surf's Up. 

The Jim stated to no longer be in PDRR is Jim Shippey, not Jim Rush. It is Rush who is considered the oa-h. He does some shows with no shirt, but suspenders!
"As for Papa Doo Run Run---don’t bother. That Mobile Fidelity album is the most lifeless, dead, boring version of The Beach Boys you can imagine."

Amen to that!! I have an audio buddy that quite recently picked up a copy Telarc I believe and played it for me. It seems it has been in heavy rotation since he got it. He IS NOT a BB fan. I also have a couple of cuts on some early Telarc samplers. He was trying to impress to me with the sound and production values, this to a BB fan. I told him yes, your system sounds great,  but I’m also thinking, you know I'm a BB fan and SQ means little to me when I’m bored, didn’t actually say THAT but it sure was what I was thinking. Next time over his place with another buddy what does he do but play it again and asked me if I had picked up a copy yet!

Nice story about Dennis bdp. He was the BB I idolized at the beginning, he just seemed really cool and actually looked the part of a beach boy. I was always suspicious of Carl, he looked a bit too pudgy :)

Oh yeah, It's on Telarc, not Mobile Fidelity! I get those two mixed up. Though I am somewhat of an audiophile (tube electronics, Eminent Technology, Magneplanar, and Quad loudspeakers), even sonically I don't think it sounds very good. Though it's very clean (antiseptic might be a more fitting adjective), everything sounds "canned"---no ambiance, no "room sound", everything dead, muted, and isolated. Perhaps a result of being recorded digitally, but I don't know. It sounds like every part was added on separately, absolutely emotionless. I didn't think that was even possible with Beach Boys songs!

Dennis was always Brian's biggest fan. When I met him, he, I later found out, was living on his boat in the Venice Harbor. I don't think him being in that bar was unusual, as he had that puffy-faced look alcoholics get. But it did surprise, and kind of sadden, me to see him drinking alone.

Antiseptic is the perfect description, it does indeed sound so canned and as you say isolated, as in dissected, I just can’t stand it but it might be just perfect for a non fan. I’ll take the original mono recordings thank you very much.

Yeah the Dennis story is a sad one. It was years later I learned about the dynamics of the group. My sense of Dennis as the real BB was just that, he was in the total sense the image they portrayed through their early songs. Little did I know  the mastermind behind their success was Brian. The rest of the guys, in retrospect were  along for the ride most likely but being associated with such musical brilliance has to have it's effect on everyone. Dennis of course idolized Brian his older brother, his hero.  Well I’ll give Mike Love some credit for keeping things together and for some of those lyrics, but Dennis was the heart of what the group personified in those early years. His deterioration over the years was a real tragedy. I sometimes wonder how his association with Manson effected him later. I expect that regardless of that association things would probably have ended up pretty much the way they did but still, it had to have a big effect on him.

Great stuff here. I have nothing! Ok, I'll cheat (-: I ran in to Robby Krieger at a Vegas Casino maybe about 20 years ago. He was right there talking to a lady, so I don't think I even had to approach him. I just subtly said " Hi Robby, I really enjoy your music." He seemed like such an ordinary guy, very humble in thanking me. Luckily, I was able to see him twice in concert since then. Once with Manzarek, and then more recently with his son singing. The Ray and Robby show was great. Johnnyb53-thanks for that. Now I'm clear on it. So if the 2011 LP currently still available is all analog master chain, I'm all the more in. I'm getting it this year. Oops, better call.