Mullard Reissue KT88

Does anyone have experience with the new Mullard KT88 and if so what are your thoughts? Wonder how they would  compare with Tung Sol KT120? 
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
Did we need a new KT88? (rhetorical question)…in any case KT120s jumped the '88 cart and I loved my quad until they were retired after 3 years of great tone, replaced by the uber-splended KT150s around a year ago.
Some people may prefer the 88 sound and it's affordability over the higher priced tubes as they can get rather pricey but I see your point.  
A matched (quad) set of the new Mullard 88s from a reputable Ebay seller (I bought my 120s and 150s from there) are $179, and the 150s are still $269…same as when I bought mine last year. I have Tung Sol 6550s (came with my amp…Jolida JD502P with factory upgrades), and Sovtek KT88s, and they sound great…but compared to the 120s and especially the 150s there is a general improvement in tonal accuracy and dynamic slam from these newer designs.  Many amp designers have embraced the 120s and 150s as the new standard of this type of tube, and I wholeheartedly agree with this. Other opinions may differ of course, but those opinions are utterly wrong…heh…kidding…sort of...
Lol of course your right.  Right?  Those are some good prices on the 120 and especially the 150.  I decided to keep the 120's and have some NOS Mullard 12au7  CV4003 on the way to richen up the midrange to offset the upper midrange energy the 120's are giving me.  I do like the overall dynamics and soundstage of the 120's.